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Diagnosis in Optometry 18-19 July 2023

Dear colleagues,

The theoretical-practical course “Diagnosis in Optometry” will take place on 18-19 July 2023.

Special guest: Prof. Marino Formenti, President of the European Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Management and the International Academy of Orthokeratology and Myopia Management.

Course Agenda:


9:30 – 13:00 – analysis of visual functions: refraction and binocular vision.
14:00 – 17:00 – diagnosis of visual dysfunction.


10:00 – 17:00

  • 10 ECP on phoropter 1: refraction without cycloplegia.
  • 10 ECP on phoropter 2: refraction without cycloplegia.
  • 10 ECP on retinoscopy: distance and near. Static retinoscopy, Indra Mohindra, dynamic retinoscopy, MEM, NOTT, calculation of accommodation lag.
  • 10 ECP on binocular vision in space: accommodative flippers, prismatic flippers, accommodation amplitude, near point of convergence, near point of accommodation.
  • 10 ECP on organizing data for appropriate diagnosis.

For more details, please call: 069361136.